Annuity calculators and tools

No matter where you are in your journey, MassMutual Ascend is here to help take your financial future above and beyond.

Find your annuity fit


Answer a few short questions to tell us where you are in your financial planning journey, including when you plan to retire, your risk tolerance and additional needs. From there, we'll help you find the right annuity solution. You can download the results to share with your financial professional when you're ready to take the next step.


Take the annuity quiz

Saving for Retirement


Retirement planning is an essential step in a person’s overall financial picture. Evaluate your level of preparedness and start making plans to take your financial future above and beyond.

Calculate how much you may need to save for retirement

Required Minimum Distribution


Current tax law specifies that once you reach a certain age, you must begin taking RMDs annually from your IRA and other retirement plans. Use the calculator below to estimate what your RMD will be.

Calculate your estimated RMD


Inflation and Retirement Income


It may surprise you how much inflation can impact purchasing power. Use this calculator to estimate how much income you may need when factoring in inflation between now and when you reach retirement to keep the same standard of living you have today. 

Estimate income you may need for retirement

Annuity insights and resources